Lets Be Friends Mac OS
  1. Lets Be Friends Mac Os 11
  2. Friend Os Server
  3. Lets Be Friends Mac Os X
  4. Lets Be Friends Mac Os Catalina
  5. Friend Os Download

On Thursday VMware released Fusion 4.1, an update to its $50 virtualization software that adds numerous small improvements—and a huge, unheralded change that could provide Mac users with much more flexibility when it comes to running old versions of Mac OS X.

The features documented in the Fusion 4.1 release notes include support for full-screen mode on Lion (including a “Smart Full Screen” mode that doesn’t leave users of multiple-display Macs out in the cold), performance and graphics improvements, and support for Lion features such as FileVault 2 and Lion Recovery.

But one big change with this update isn’t documented anywhere: The software has been modified so that it will run the non-server versions of Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) and Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5). Previously, VMware Fusion supported virtual Macs running Lion, Lion Server, Snow Leopard Server, and Leopard Server.

Apple’s operating-system license policy during the Leopard and Snow Leopard eras specified that only the server version of Mac OS X could be run in a virtual machine, and then only on Apple hardware. When Lion was released, that policy changed to allow both Lion Server and the non-server version of Lion to be virtualized.

When a user tries to install Leopard or Snow Leopard in Fusion 4.1, a dialog box appears that says, “Verify that the operating system is licensed to run in a virtual machine.” In essence, this removes VMware from the position of having to evaluate and enforce Apple’s operating-system license, and instead leaves the decision in the hands of users.

PCE.js runs classic computers in the browser. It's a port of Hampa Hug's excellent PCE emulator, put together by James Friend. This is a demo of PCE's classic Macintosh emulation, running System 6.0.8 with a bunch of games. Please be patient as you may see up to 30s of black screen upon booting, but it's worth it.

  1. Open the Mac App Store; Hold the Option key and click on “Purchases” Option-click on “OS X Lion” from the purchased app list “Installed’ should now say “Install” which allows you to re-download OS X Lion, otherwise you can Option-click again on the “Install” button to start re-downloading OS X Lion, shown in the screenshot above.
  2. I don't trust her. I used a site called 15.ai for her voice and then stole some photos from the internet and threw something together.

As a VMware tech note explains:

VMware Fusion 4.1 changes the behavior of the new virtual machine assistant when creating a Mac OS X virtual machine. Starting with Fusion 4.1, you are presented with an additional prompt to confirm that the operating system is licensed to run in a virtual machine. This additional prompt reminds you that installing Mac OS X in a virtual machine is subject to the license agreement that accompanies the Mac OS X software.

VMware recommends consulting the license agreement accompanying your Mac OS X software for the terms and conditions that apply. Apple license agreements can be found at http://www.apple.com/legal/sla.

If you confirm compliance with the applicable licenses, the assistant proceeds to the next step. This behavior is identical for the Leopard, Snow Leopard, and Lion releases of Mac OS X and their variants.

(A cursory glance at the Snow Leopard license specifies that it can only be run on Apple-branded hardware, but doesn’t seem to specify anything about running in a virtual machine, though the single-use license specifies running “one copy… on a single Apple-branded computer.” The Lion license specifically mentions allowing “virtual operating system environments on each Mac Computer.”)

Lets Be Friends Mac Os 11

While there are some questions about the legality of running Snow Leopard or Leopard in a virtual machine, there’s no doubt about the utility of such a feature. First off, it would be a boon to developers and tech-support professionals, who need to verify how software works on various versions of OS X. But it would also help out users who rely on PowerPC-based Mac software—programs that won’t run in Lion because of Apple’s abandonment of the Rosetta code-translation software.

Users who want to run Quicken Deluxe for Mac on a system that only runs Lion are currently out of luck. But that program runs just fine on a Lion-based Mac that’s running Snow Leopard inside a Fusion 4.1 virtual machine. (It’s not an ideal fix—Fusion’s support for Windows includes a Unity mode that lets Windows apps float among your Mac windows. Virtual Macs will only display inside a window or filling a screen in full-screen mode.)

I updated to Fusion 4.1 on Friday and created new virtual machines for both Snow Leopard and Leopard on an iMac running Lion. They installed and ran without any problems, and I was able to launch PowerPC apps via Rosetta without any trouble.

An Apple representative told us that Apple’s end-user license agreements “permit properly licensed copies of Mac OS X Lion, Snow Leopard Server and Leopard Server to be virtualized on Apple-branded hardware only.” It’s unclear what Apple’s disposition toward VMware will be. In the meantime, this update gives Lion users an outlet for running PowerPC-based apps, and lets developers and other technical users have easy access to multiple OS X versions on a single Mac system.

[Updated at 8:30 PST with a statement from Apple.]

How to Set up and Use Find My Friends on Mac – How to Use Find My Friends on Mac Computer:

Find My Friends is very useful tool for all Mac users. On your Mac System, you can use Find My Friends Widget and also access it at www.iCloud.com/fmf. The Find My Friends allows you to see locations of your friends and family members from Mac. You can discover the Widget in the Notification Center of your Mac computer.


  • 1 What is Find My Friends?
  • 2 Requirements to use Find My Friends App and Service
  • 3 Set up Find My Friends App and Add Friends on iOS Device:
  • 4 How to Set up and Use Find My Friends on Mac

Friend Os Server

What is Find My Friends?

Find My Friends is an application for iPhone and other iOS devices. If you want to use Find My Friend on Mac, you can use Find My Friends Widget in Notification Center or go to www.iCloud.com/fmf in a Web Browser.

The Find My Friends (FMF) allows you to share your location with your friends and relatives. You can also track your friends’ locations in Find My Friend App on iOS device and Find My Friend Widget on Mac.

Importance of Find My Friends

Find My Friends is a very useful app for almost everyone. If you are a parent, you always want to keep your kids safe. The Find My Friends allows you to keep an eye on your kids’ locations from your home or office. You can also add your close friends to Find My Friends App to see their location and share your location with them as well.

Requirements to use Find My Friends App and Service

You can use Find My Friends after setting it up on your iOS device and Mac System. But you must fulfill the basic requirements of FMF before you set it up on your devices.

  • Your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch must have iOS 8.0 or Newer Version.
  • Your Apple Watch must have watchOS 3 or Newer Version.
  • If FMF is not already on your iOS device then you should firstly download and install Find My Friends App on it.
  • The Web Browser on your Mac PC or MacBook is up to date i.e. Latest Version.

Things to Do Before You Set up Find My Friends on Mac:

You have to use Find My Friends App on an iOS device to share your location. If you want to see your friend’s location, your friend must have an iOS device with Find My Friends App installed in it.

After you share your location, you can ask to follow friends using the iOS app and see their locations using Find My Friends in iCloud.com on Mac. You can also track your friends’ locations from your Mac’s Notification Center.

Set up Find My Friends App and Add Friends on iOS Device:

Before you share your location to your friends using Find My Friends in iCloud.com on Mac, you need to set it up first on your iOS device. You can use an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to set up Find My Friends App and Add Friends.

You can share your location with the people who are already added as friends. The same way, you can see the locations of people who have you in their friends list of Find My Friends App on their iOS device.

Steps to Set up Find My Friends App and Add Friends on iOS Device:

01. Turn On Data Connection or WiFi on your iOS device and go to App Store.

02. Search Find My Friends App and download it. (Skip first two steps if you already have FMF App on your device.)

03. Get back to home screen and launch Find My Friends App on your iOS device.

04. Select “Add” option to go to Add Friend Screen.

05. Tap on “To…” field and type your friend’s contact name, email address or phone number.

06. Tap Send or Done to send request to your friend.

After your friend agrees to share their location, you can see their location in a list or on a map. Your friend can share their location for one hour or until the end of the day or share indefinitely. You can see your friend’s location in Find My Friends App, in iCloud.com on Mac and in the Notification Center of Mac.

How to Set up and Use Find My Friends on Mac

Before we proceed to set up Find My Friends on Mac, you need to complete some basic tasks. You must have set up Find My Friends App and added all the friends on your iOS device.

You can see your friends’ locations and share your location in Find My Friends Web App at iCloud.com on Mac. But you cannot add new friends on Mac, you have to perform that task on your iPhone or other iOS device.

Lets Be Friends Mac Os X

01. On your Mac Desktop, find three dots with three lines at upper right corner and click on it to open the Notification Center.

Lets Be Friends Mac Os Catalina

02. Find out “Today” tab and select it, then go to bottom and click on “Edit” option.

Friend Os Download

03. Navigate to Find My Friends widget and click on green color “(+)” button given nearby the widget name.

04. A popup will show up as “Find My Friends” would like to use your current location. Click on “Allow” button and then click on “Done.”

05. Wait for one or two moments and the names of friends will show up on your Mac’s Notification Center.

Please note that the Notification Center will show up list of friends only who are currently sharing their location with you. If none of your friends are sharing their location, your Mac’s Notification Center won’t show any names.

06. From your friends list mentioned in Notification Center, click on one friend’s name to see a small map showing their location.

In this way, you can set up and use Find My Friends Widget on Mac System. You can check each friend’s location by clicking on their names in the Notification Center of Mac.

Key Features of Find My Friends on Mac

Find My Friends allows you to share your location with your friends and see their locations as well. Here we provide some key features of Find My Friends Widget on Mac as follows:

  • Click on Person’s Name to see their location on Map on Mac.
  • Click on Person’s Picture to see their contact card on Mac screen.
  • Press Double Click on Person’s Picture to open their location in the Maps app.
  • Press Double Click on the Map to zoom in on the Map location.
  • Hold Option/ALT and click on the Map to zoom out of the Map location.
  • After seeing person’s location, click and drag on the Map to navigate with the Map.

You should use the above features in Find My Friends Widget on Mac as per your requirement.


Final Words:

All the information given above about how to set up and use Find My Friends on Mac is true and fair. In case you want to know more about Find My Friends App and how to use it on iPhone, Mac etc., kindly contact the Apple Helpline Number at 1-800-MY-APPLE (800-692-7753) or visit Apple Support Website at support.apple.com.