Find games for macOS tagged Medieval like Errant Kingdom, Royal Alchemist, Love the Guard, Be the King, Chess of Blades (BL Visual Novel), Queen's Crown on, the indie game hosting marketplace. By Objectus Technology SaberFX is a program for adding Star Wars movie style special effects to your home movies using a process called Rotoscoping. Use it to add special effects including.
Sabers need to be made specifically for Quest or PC and are not interchangeable between the two. You can tell which platforma saber is for by the file extension. .saber
files are for PC while Quest uses .zip
The latest Custom Saber mod can be found in the #pc-mods channel(opens new window) in the BSMG Discordor in Mod Assistant(opens new window). Run Mod Assistant, select the Custom Saber mod,and click Install. Once you've installed it you will see a folder called CustomSabers
inyour install folder, this is where you should place the *.saber
files you want to use.
You can download more sabers on ModelSaber(opens new window).
For those who want more customization to their sabers, Saber Factory(opens new window)allows you to create your own sabers in-game. You download parts and combine them like lego pieces with the ability tochange the shape, shaders, material properties, textures and more.
Custom Sabers for Quest are provided by the Qosmetics mod. The latest version can be found in the#quest-mods channel(opens new window) in the BSMG Discord. Sabers are called qsabers
and are currentlyhosted in the Qosmetics Community Discord(opens new window).
Inside the game in the main menu you will see on the left a CUSTOM SABERS
button under the Mods
section.Pressing it will open up the menu you can use to select which sabers you want to use.
Once selected, the sabers will only show up only while a song is playing and not while in the menu.
Upload the .qsaber
file to your Quest using the BMBF Web Interface.You can then select which saber is active from the Qosmetics menu in-game.
MissRaynor's Saber Guide is an excellent resource for learning how to make your own sabers.