Powerslam Mac OS
  • Are you ready for a series of questions? Well, I don't care really, answer um anyways!! Who had the worst entrance music ever? Who had the best entrance music ever? What is the best WWE finisher ever? What was the best WCW finisher ever? What is the best TNA finisher ever? Who deserves the title of 'the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be' in.
  • Powerslam is the first ever pro wrestling game for OS X and was developed by Cobra Blade.Development of this Mac wrestling game began at the end of 2008 and there were many changes made before its final release in 2012.

Table of Contents

A powerslam is a professional wrestling body slam move in which the wrestler performing the slam falls face-down on top of the opponent. The use of the term 'powerslam' usually refers to the front powerslam or the scoop powerslam Variations Emerald Flowsion. The wrestler lifts the opponent.


Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition is a ROM hack of AKI Corporation'sVirtual Pro-Wrestling 2, with a number of the default wrestlers swapped outfor other wrestlers (mostly from other AKI wrestling games). You can kind of think ofit as a 'best of' the AKI games, though I'd rather have every character from the firsteight VPW games implemented before I can say that. :)

Since this is a ROM hack, it will work on original hardware, as well as N64 emulators.This isn't exactly the first ROM hack of an AKI game... S.K. Stylez and Zoinkity did anEnglish translation of VPW2, which also runs on original hardware. WldFb used some ROMhacks for a WWF No Mercy hack named 'Back 2 Basics'. I can't recall if that hack usedemulator plugin texture replacement or not, however...

Also of note is the VPW2 freem Edition Character Guide, which providesdetails on all of the wrestlers in the hack... or it will, once it's done.

Changes from Original Game

Changes in VPW2 freem Edition include the following:

  • Translated a large chunk of the game from Japanese to English.
  • Replaced various wrestlers with wrestlers from other AKI wrestling games.
  • Replaced a small amount of wrestlers with new wrestlers who haven't been in an AKI game before.
  • The game starts out fully unlocked; nothing is hidden.
  • Increased amount of points available for changing offensive and defensive parameters in Edit Mode.
  • A bunch of graphical changes. This includes the user interface, wrestler costume textures, as well as some arenas.

General Notes

This game is not licensed by AKI Corporation, Asmik Ace, Nintendo, or any of thefeatured wrestling organizations and wrestlers. For that reason, I request that youdo not sell reproduction cartridges of this hack. Making a reproductionfor personal use is OK, but the use of a re-flashable cart is recommended, since this hackwill be updated in the future.

Some screenshots in the manual are from previous development versions, and may lookdifferent in the current release. This will be fixed in due time, since it is anticipatedthat things will change further.

Notes on the 2020/08/06 Release

The most important thing to note is that this is (still) a work in progress release.Not everything will be 100% perfect or complete. Furthermore, the original game doesnot give me a lot of choice when it comes to replacing certain costume items.For example, there are only three available Elbow Pad designs. The amount of items thatcan be replaced is a large part of why some wrestlers don't have 100% accurate costumes yet.

Another thing to note is that this hack will accept Controller Pak saves fromVirtual Pro-Wrestling 2 (game code NA2J). This behavior is intentional, allowingyou to import your edit wrestlers and belts from your original VPW2 cartridge and/orsave file. Future versions of the hack will save Controller Pak data to a unique,non-VPW2 file. I will attempt to notify people well in advance when this happensvia updates to the website, manual, and changelog.

There is no known date for the Controller Pak changeover, but it is more likelyto happen when all of the costume items are finalized.


In order to play this game, you will need the following:

  • A Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 ROM image in Z64 format. If your VPW2 ROM is not in Z64 format, you will need a conversion tool.
  • The xdelta patcher, or a program capable of applying xdelta patches. Recommended front-ends include:
    • Windows: xdelta UI
    • Mac OS X/macOS: MultiPatch
    • Android: UniPatcher (Check the Releases tab for APK files)
    • Web: Rom Patcher JS
  • A way to play the game. This can be one of:
    • Nintendo 64 emulator (Project64, cen64, MAME, etc.)
    • Nintendo 64 backup device (Z64, V64, CD64...)
    • Nintendo 64 flash cart (64drive recommended, but Everdrive 64 will also work)

This game is not supported on PAL systems. If you manage to bypass the PAL lock,you will find that the game has not been 50fps optimized. I don't believe anyone haslooked into or documented what changes were made between NTSC and PAL regions of AKIgames yet.

Patching the ROM

The patch is provided in xdelta format, and is meant to be patched to anunmodified Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 ROM in Z64 format. If yourROM is in a different format (e.g. V64 or N64), you will need a tool to convert it.DO NOT apply this patch to the S.K. Stylez English translation.It will not work. (This hack includes its own English translation.)

Converting ROMs

In case you do not have a Z64 format ROM, you will need to convert it. This isNOT as simple as changing the file extension, as the byte order isdifferent between various formats.

Some tools that can be used to convert ROMs to the correct format:

  • uCON64 and the frontend (multiple platforms)
  • Tool64 (Windows only)

uCON64 (frontend)

The easiest way to use uCON64 is the uCON64 frontend program. This needs to bedownloaded separately from the regular uCON64 download and put in the same directory.

Go to the N64 tab, and in the Conversion section, change the 'ROM to' drop-down boxto 'Z64', then hit the 'Convert' button. Select your VPW2 ROM and press 'OK'. Thefrontend will show a log of the conversion process, and the converted ROM should bein the same directory as the frontend executable.

uCON64 (command line)

Some people prefer to use the command line instead. Others don't really havea choice in the matter...

ucon64 --z64 path_to_rom.v64 (or .n64 if your ROM has that extension.)


Tool64 is a bit more user-friendly than uCON64, even with the frontend. However,the terminology used in the 'Change Byte Order' menu might be confusing when all I'vedone is tell you to 'convert to Z64 format'. Instead of worrying, just choose 'BigEndian' after highlighting your VPW2 ROM.


I do not know of any solutions for changing N64 ROM formats on mobile platforms(e.g. Android). The above programs only run on a computer.

Applying the Patch

Once your ROM is in the correct format, you're ready to patch the game.This should be a fairly straightforward process if you're using one of the xdeltafrontends/user interfaces.

Every time an update is released, you will have to re-patch the base/original VPW2 ROM.


Make sure the 'Apply Patch' tab is selected. There are three options;set them up as directed:

  • Patch – Select the .xdelta patch file.
  • Source File – Select the unmodified Z64 format VPW2 ROM.
  • Output File – Set the filename for the patched ROM. Be sure to use a .z64 extension.

Once all three fields have been set, hit the Patch button.

xdelta Command Line

If you need to use the command line/terminal version of xdelta, here is how to apply the patch:

xdelta -d -s (base_rom_file) (xdelta_patch) (output_rom_file)

Base ROM information:

  • Product Code: NA2J
  • ROM size: 32.0 MB (33,554,432 bytes)
  • MD5 hash: 90002501777e3237739f5ed9b0e349e2
  • SHA-1 hash: 82dd25a044689eab57ab362fe10c0da6388c217a

Patched ROM information:

  • Product Code: NVFE
  • ROM size: 32.0 MB (33,554,432 bytes)
  • MD5 hash: c8e882387c9fda5160002bb76f5b0285
  • SHA-1 hash: 1d3a57cecf9803e1961e3918472868645695abb7

Game Save Type

Please do not skip this portion of the manual. If you skip it,it's likely the game won't actually save anything. When in doubt, try to find thesettings that unhacked Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 uses, and use those.

64drive (Normal Usage)

Until the menu is updated with information for VPW2 freem Edition, pick the 256K SRAM option.


These instructions from BlueCanti should enable saving:

'On your everdrive 64 directory, click 'ED64' and there should be a txt filecalled 'save.db'. Click on it and on the bottom type 'VF=3'without the quotations, save document and try that, it should save data on the cartfrom now on.'

Older Backup Devices (V64, Z64, CD64, etc.)

It's been so long since I've used them that I don't know if there's anythingspecial you need other than a cartridge with 256K SRAM.


Typically, N64 emulators are able to detect what save type is being used ontheir own. Some N64 emulators require you to manually set the save type andprovide the filename for saving/loading data. Consult your emulator's documentationfor more information.

64drive (USB Loader)

Most people should never have to do this, but just in case, -s 3 sets the save type to SRAM 256K.You'll have to mess with the loading and dumping commands to save and load data, however...I haven't done this yet, so there's no information I can give you.


Only the abridged changes for the current version are shown here. To see the fullchangelog, please view changelog.txt in the docs directory.

2020/08/06 (August 6, 2020)

General Update Notes

I'm not sure how to even start the update notes for this version, givenall of the events that have happened between the last release and this one.

Stay safe out there.

Project Progress Report

By my estimations, this release is about 40-45% complete.There's still lots to do, however.

The perpetual projects:

  • Continue wrestler editing process (moves, params, logic)
  • Fix up accuracy on costumes and costume items
  • Work on remaining costume items (including faces, masks, entrance attire)
  • Continue work on arenas
  • Continue work on the intro sequence
  • Translate remaining Japanese text

The not so simple one-offs:

  • Attempt to debug and fix a crash involving playing as a manager in 1v1 matches
  • Import the Macho Man 'OOH YEAH' sound (over what sample?)
  • Import [spoiler] theme over Yoshinari Ogawa's. (Originally meant for this release, but ran into some issues.)

Other stuff:

  • Import certain moves (Angle Slam... others?) from WWF No Mercy, if possible
  • Figure out what to do with Challenge mode (even if it's only editing RRS slightly)
  • Fix up the in-match music (if even possible?)
  • Fix smaller details (primarily menu stuff)

(This does not include the final 1% of work, which is a misleadinglysmall percentage for what needs to be done.)

Why All the 'Interesting' Changes Take Time/Effort

I spent some time between releases writing an article related to the workrequired to change certain things in this project.

There have been requests for changes that are not relatively feasible withouta full decompilation of the game, and I wanted to try and explain that further.

The article is available here.

Default Costume Updates

In order for the Default Costume changes to show up in an existing save file,please reset the Costume data for the following charactersin Edit Mode:

Antonio InokiAll
Bret Hart1, 2, 3
Scott Hall1, 2
Kensuke Sasaki3
Steven Regal4
Raven1, 4
Hulk Hogan4
Perry SaturnAll
Chris Jericho1, 2, 4
Jyushin Liger1, 2, 4
Scott Steiner1, 2, 4
Minoru Suzuki1, 4
Road WarriorsAll
Great Muta2

Wrestler Data Updates

This section contains changes to moves, parameters, and logic for the defaultwrestlers. You do not need to do anything to access these changes.


A few words on 'de-duplication':

In the original AKI games, wrestlers often had the same move for back grapple onboth the solo button press and button press with direction pad. This also manifestsitself with ports of wrestlers from World Tour, VPW64, and Revenge, where theLeft/Right grapple slots are the same as the no direction grapple.

In VPW2 freem Edition, this is seen as something to be fixed.

Where possible, moves that 'fit' the wrestler are used. If something seems off,or even outright wrong, please let me know.

010C - Rikidozan

Rikidozan was primarily updated to fix an issue with his Fighting Style.I had run into this issue with AKI man and Goldberg during the development ofthe last update, but those two were caught and fixed before release.Not so for Rikidozan. Oops.

I also reverted a previous move change, since the Flying Headscissors wasalready assigned to Front Weak Grapple B+Up. A 'proper' replacement has notyet been found.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Front Strong Grapple AFlying HeadscissorsRepeated Chops

000D - Ric Flair

Two small changes by freem:

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Ducking StrikeLariatLow Blow
Back Reversal (Strong)Back Grapple ReversalGroin Kick
Powerslam mac os catalina

Other suggestions from GameGenie720:

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Strong Strike B+DirectionHeavyweight DropkickKnuckle Part
Strong Running Strike BPush KickLariat (Right)
Front Strong Grapple Down+ACradle Kneeling TombstoneJumping Piledriver
Sitting Strike (Face Up)Stalling ElbowdropDouble Axe Handle
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0703 - AJ Styles

Fixed the missing Turnbuckle to Ground attacks, finally.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Turnbuckle Attack to Ground(none)Frog Splash
Special Turnbuckle Attack to Ground(none)Firebird Splash
Turnbuckle Attack to Outside Ground(none)Firebird Splash

0103 - Hulk Hogan

Some de-duplication suggestions from mrpopsicleman.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Strong Strike A+BOrthodox PunchBig Boot
Strong Running Strike A+BOriginal Ax BomberJumping Kneebutt

0606 - Booker T

De-duplication suggestions from GameGenie720.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Strong Strike A+BJumping Karate KickJumping Heel Kick
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0305 - Bret Hart

Some suggestions from GameGenie720.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Strong Strike B+DirectionHigh Angle DropkickSide Dropkick
Strong Strike A+BHigh Angle DropkickDiving Lariat
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

010A - Goldberg

Small changes suggested by GameGenie720.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Front Strong Grapple A+UpStep Front SuplexLift Up Shoulder Slam
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0406 - Chris Jericho

A change suggested by Dboy37.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Strong Strike A+BLow DropkickReverse Rolling Elbow

0802 - Brock Lesnar

Some suggestions from GameGenie720.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Strong Strike B+DirectionHeavyweight DropkickJaw Punch
Downed Head Submission (Face Up)Mounted PunchesUltimate Punching
Sitting Legs Submission (Face Down)Reverse Achilles HoldDeadlift German Suplex

0402 - Chris Benoit

Implemented a suggestion from GameGenie720 based on the fact that the originalstrike wouldn't connect.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Counter PunchCounter Strong Attack BCounter Strong Attack B+Direction

0502 - Sabu

Some suggestions from Smoke, and some re-arranging of other moves.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Front Weak Grapple A+Left/RightTwo-handed HeadbuttDouble Leg Tackle
Front Weak Grapple A+UpClub to NeckTwo-handed Headbutt
Downed Legs Submission (Face Down)Boston CrabHalf Boston Crab
Turnbuckle Attack to GroundRounding Body PressMoonsault Press
Special Turnbuckle Attack to GroundMoonsault PressDiving Legdrop
Turnbuckle Attack to Outside GroundRounding Body PressDiving Legdrop

0902 - Kurt Angle

A suggestion from KWG.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Back Maximum Grapple(none)Repeating German Suplex

0407 - Rey Mysterio Jr.

Some suggestions from GameGenie720.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Special Turnbuckle Attack to Ground(none)Frog Splash
Running Downed Strike (Face Up)StompingFlipping Senton
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)StompingLegdrop
Sitting Strike (Face Up)ElbowdropJumping Dropkick
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)StompingLegdrop

0701 - Triple H

A suggestion from GameGenie720 to fix a move that I don't even remember changing!

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Irish Whip Special GrappleThesz Press with PunchesSpinebuster

0702 - X-Pac

A suggestion from GameGenie720.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Counter PunchCounter Strong Attack BCounter Strong Attack B+Direction

000A - Sting

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Weak Running Strike A+BKenka KickRunning High Angle Dropkick
Strong Running Strike A+BPower LariatFlying Body Attack
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0104 - Randy Savage

Some changes to downed strikes.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0303 - DDP

Some changes to downed strikes.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Sitting Strike (Face Up)Elbowdrop (Hansen)Double Axe Handle
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0208 - Curt Hennig

Some changes to downed strikes. Also set Front Special Grapple as a Favorite move.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0206 - Rick Rude

Small downed strike change.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0505 - Raven

Small downed strike change.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0107 - Kevin Nash

Small downed strike change.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0105 - Rick Steiner

Small downed strike changes.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Sitting Strike (Face Up)Jumping ElbowdropDouble Axe Handle

0106 - Scott Steiner

Small downed strike changes.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0202 - Road Warriors

Small downed strike changes.

Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Sitting Strike (Face Down)StompingAngry Stomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping

0108 - Scott Hall

Multiple people have requested non-trivial changes for Scott Hall's moveset.Changes are a combination of...

  1. suggestions from Gamegenie720
Move SlotOld MoveNew Move
Weak Punch BHammer BlowBody Blow
Weak Punch B+DirectionBody BlowElbow
Strong Strike BOrthodox PunchShake Punch (Rock)
Strong Strike B+DirectionHigh Angle DropkickDiscus Punch
Strong Strike A+BLow DropkickDiving Lariat
Weak Running Strike A+BFlying Shoulder AttackKitchen Sink
Strong Running Strike A+BKitchen SinkFlying Elbow
Corner Running Strike BLariat (Right)Jumping Elbow
Corner Running Strike A+BBack ElbowFlying Elbow
Irish Whip AttackThrust KickRolling Elbow
Counter PunchShoulder Arm BreakerCounter Strong Strike B
Counter Punch (Special)Front Strong Grapple BFront Grapple Special
Front Weak Grapple ADynamic KneeliftEye Rake
Front Weak Grapple A+Left/RightHeadlock PunchEuropean Uppercut
Front Weak Grapple Up+AFace PunchHeadlock Punch
Front Weak Grapple B+UpShoulder ThrustsSuplex
Front Weak Grapple B+DownJawbreakerShoulder Thrusts
Front Strong Grapple AManhattan DropRussian Leg Sweep
Front Strong Grapple A+Left/RightNeckbreakerAce Crusher
Front Strong Grapple A+UpSuplexSnake Eyes
Front Strong Grapple A+DownSidewalk SlamManhattan Drop
Front Strong Grapple B+Left/RightSnake EyesWaterwheel Drop
Front Strong Grapple B+UpShort Range LariatNodowa Otoshi
Front Strong Grapple B+DownNodowa OtoshiShort Range Lariat
Back Weak Grapple A+DirectionPendulum BackbreakerBack Rake
Back Weak Grapple B+DirectionKnee CrusherAtomic Drop
Back Strong Grapple ASleeperholdSchool Boy
Back Strong Grapple BAtomic DropKnee Crusher
Back Strong Grapple B+DirectionGerman SuplexBulldog
Back Special GrappleHigh Speed German SuplexPumphandle Drop
Back Reversal (Strong)Groin KickBack Grapple Reversal
Back Running GrappleFace CrusherBulldog
Irish Whip Weak Grapple ABack Body DropShoulder Toss (Side)
Irish Whip Weak Grapple A+DirectionHip TossStrong Powerslam
Irish Whip Strong Grapple ASleeperholdAbdominal Stretch
Irish Whip Strong Grapple A+DirectionSamoan DropManhattan Drop
Corner Weak Grapple BTen PunchDX Ten Punch
Turnbuckle Grab Reversal (Front)Pull ropesThrow off
Double Team Sandwich GrappleDouble Team PowerbombHijack Piledriver
Downed Strike (Face Up)StompingElbow Drop (Hansen)
Downed Strike (Face Down)Elbow Drop (Hansen)Angry Stomping
Running Downed Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Sitting Strike (Face Up)Elbowdrop (Hansen)Shin Kick
Running Sitting Strike (Face Up)ElbowdropStomping
Running Sitting Strike (Face Down)ElbowdropStomping
Sitting Legs Submission (Face Up)Headbutt to GroinAchilles Hold
Sitting Legs Submission (Face Down)Knee StompBoston Crab
Special Turnbuckle Attack to Standing(none)Diving Elbow Attack
Special Turnbuckle Attack to Ground(none)Diving Kneedrop
Corner Splash AttackReverse SplashDiving Elbowdrop


No changes.


Perry Saturn

Turns out I had these values swapped from what they were in WWF No Mercy...

CategoryOld ValueNew Value
Downed Opponent EarlySubmissionPick Up
Downed Opponent LatePick UpSubmission

Changelog Items

(Due to its length, the '[Default Costumes] Various fixes/updates to defaultcostume data' is not included in the manual. Please view changelog.txtfor the full details of costume changes.)

  • [Faces] Some faces were updated or replaced:
    • 4 – Sting (updated by freem; small tweaks)
    • 17 – Hulk Hogan (updated by freem; small tweaks)
    • 18 – Randy Savage (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 23 – Satoru Sayama (updated by freem)
    • 25 – Katsuyori Shibata (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 26 – Rick Rude (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 29 – Dan Severn (updated by freem; small tweaks)
    • 31 – DDP (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 36 – Perry Saturn (updated by freem)
    • 37 – Eddie Guerrero (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 40 – Sabu (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 41 – Raven (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 42 – Tajiri (updated by freem and KWG/Saga)
    • 48 – Dynamite Kid (new texture by RagDas)
    • 49 – Chris Benoit (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 50 – HHH (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 52 – AJ Styles (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 55 – Kurt Angle (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 58 – Tazz (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 65 – Samoa Joe (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 69 – Ric Flair (updated by freem)
    • 86 – Undertaker (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 87 – Kane (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 88 – Dean Malenko (updated by by KWG/Saga)
    • 93 – Shinsuke Nakamura (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 94 – Dusty Rhodes (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 95 – Josh Barnett (updated by freem)
    • 96 – Ricochet (updated by KWG/Saga)
    • 98 – Naomichi Marufuji (updated by freem)
    • 101 – Steve Corino (updated by freem)
    • 105 – Phil Lafon (updated by freem)
    • 107 – Takeshi Rikio (updated by freem)
  • [Faces] New faces added:
    • 56 – Hawk (new texture by RagDas, slight edits by freem; replaces older/modern Minoru Suzuki)
    • 104 – Doug Furnas (new texture by freem; still WIP, like most of the faces in this hack)
    • 106 – Jake Roberts (new texture by freem; still WIP)
    • 108 – Kazuyuki Fujita (new texture by freem; still WIP)
    • 109 – Kazunari Murakami (new texture by freem; still WIP)
    • 110 – Joe Bruiser (new texture by RagDas, edited by freem; still WIP)
  • [Masks] New and/or replaced Masks:
    • 1 – Liger 1 (new texture by RagDas; no ripped texture yet)
    • 12 – Liger 2 (new texture by freem, based on VPW2 texture)
    • 13 – El Samurai (original VPW2 texture, by request of a few people)
    • 20 – Han Zo Mon (WIP; converted from Revenge and further edited by freem)
  • [Masks] Small tweaks to a few masks:
    • 3 – Rey Mysterio Jr.
    • 7 – Pegasus Kid (fixed errant mask shadow under the nose on the ripped mask texture)
    • 8 – L.A. Park (added shading near bottom portion of ripped mask)
    • 10 – Darkness Muta
    • 11 – Tiger Mask 1 (updated face texture)
    • 17 – Tiger Mask 2
  • [Masks] Added ripped mask textures:
    • 17 - Tiger Mask 2
  • [Masks] Default colors (0,0,0,0) changed for these masks:
    • 20 - Han Zo Mon
  • [Costume Items] New costume items added:
    • Ring Attire F3 – Bam Bam Bigelow (very early WIP)
    • Entrance Attire D5 – Road Warriors (early WIP)
    • Face Paint 19 – Chris Jericho
    • Tattoo 8 – Saturn (mostly finished WIP; slight texture mapping issues on upper chest)
    • Face Accessory 20 – Kishin Liger (texture by AshVPW)
  • [Costume Items] Updated Front Hair - Bangs 17 to blend in better color-wise.
  • [Costume Items] Future costume item slot assignments made:
    • Ring Attire D12 – Tajiri
    • Entrance Attire B7 – Ric Flair
    • Face Paint 4 – G.I. Bro
  • [Costume Items] Default colors (0,0) changed for the following items:
    • Ring Attire A19 - Masato Tanaka
    • Ring Attire A23 - Kensuke Sasaki
    • Entrance Attire D5 - Road Warriors
  • [Costume Items] Changed Upper Attire C7 - Dr. Frank:
    • Fixed a palette bug related to the undershirt on the chest.
    • Replaced gray shade on the jacket part of the chest with a darker red.
  • [Costume Items] Fixed sub-palette issue with Boots A3 - AKI man.
  • [Costume Items] Changed Ring Attire F1 - Boxer 1.
    The new design is meant to match one of the sets of boxing trunks from World Tour/VPW64.
  • [Costume Items] Changed Upper Body A12 - Bret Hart:
    • Fixed an issue where the pink lines weren't connecting on the back.
    • Fixed stomach tattoo issue.
  • [Costume Items] Changed Face Paint 11 - Sting (old).
    The new design is a port from WCW/nWo Revenge.
  • [Costume Items] Changed Ring Attire C34 - L.A. Park.
    The pelvis texture was updated using a VPW2 costume item as a base.Sub-palette colors on the non-belt area were also darkened.
  • [Costume Items] Changed Ring Attire F2 - Boxer 2. Now uses two colors.
  • [Costume Items] Changed Ring Attire E3 - Kurt Angle.
    Fixed chest tattoo issue. The Stomach tattoo issue still remains, and requiresscaling back the number of colors used in the texture.
  • [Costume Items] Added the 'KORM' text on Ring Attire A29 - Okada.
  • [Arenas] Made the Budokan outside mats less janky.
    They're still janky, but at least there's proper segments now.
  • [General] Credits sequence wrestlers and animations have been changed.
  • [General] Changed Steve Austin's name to 'Steve Austic'. (This is not a real change)
  • [General] Various smaller changes without proper changelog entries.

Controller Setup

If you're playing this hack on original hardware, the controls should be easy toget used to. But if you're playing this on an emulator instead, you might not haveaccess to an N64 controller. Luckily, the VPW series started out on PlayStation,so it's possible to make a decent default control mapping for most modern controllers.

GrappleA buttonX buttonA button
StrikeB buttonCircle buttonB button
Run/DashC-Down buttonTriangle buttonY button
Ring InteractionC-Up buttonSquare buttonX button
BlockR buttonR1 buttonRB button
DodgeL buttonL1 buttonLB button
Switch FocusC-Right buttonR2 buttonRight trigger
FlipC-Left buttonL2 buttonLeft trigger
Does (mostly) nothingZ buttonSelect buttonBack button

Make sure to map the Control Stick to one of the controller's analog sticks,so you can taunt and use Specials.

p.s. Press Z + C-Down while in a Battle Royal to switch control from human to computerand vice versa.
Just don't do this during a normal match as a second/managerand leave it on...

Recommended Edits

Once the game is up and running, there are a few changes you should make inthe Edit Mode before continuing. The reason these changes need to be donemanually is due to the way VPW2 handles default names.

  • Mitsuharu Misawa, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'Tiger Mask 2'
    • Change Short Name to 'TM2'
  • Kevin Nash, costume 3
    • Change Long and Short Names to 'Diesel'
  • Scott Hall, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'Razor Ramon'
    • Change Short Name to 'Razor'
  • 'Road Warrior', costumes 1 and 2
    • Change Long and Short Names to 'Hawk'
  • 'Road Warrior', costumes 3 and 4
    • Change Long and Short Names to 'Animal'
  • Kensuke Sasaki, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'Power Warrior'
    • Change Short Name to 'Power'
  • Chris Benoit, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'Wild Pegasus'
    • Change Short Name to 'Pegasus'
  • Eddy Guerrero, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'Black Tiger 2'
    • Change Short Name to 'BT2'
  • X-Pac, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to '1-2-3 Kid'
    • Change Short Name to '123 Kid'
  • Jumbo Tsuruta, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'Dr. Frank'
    • Change Short Name to 'Frank'
  • 'Andre Giant', costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'Giant Machine'
    • Change Short Name to 'Machine'
  • Atsushi Onita, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'Great Nita'
    • Change Short Name to 'Nita'
  • Tiger Mask, costume 2
    • Change Long Name to 'Tiger King'
  • Tiger Mask, costume 3
    • Change Long Name to 'S. Sayama'
    • Change Short Name to 'Sayama'

Default Costume Updates

In order to see the updated default costumes, you will need to either reset yoursave file (not recommended), or manually go to each wrestler with changes and resetthe costumes (tedious, but you get to keep the other data). The list of wrestlerswho need to be reset with each update is included in the changelog.

Navigating the Menus

After getting through the first few screens, you're greeted with the Main Menu:


Here, you're free to fight in whatever match you want. Five match types are available:Singles Match (1v1), Tag Match (2v2), 3 Way Match (1v1v1), Battle Royal, and Elimination.

Singles Match

A match between two wrestlers. In this mode, you can fight under traditionalpro-wrestling rules, or a set of mixed martial arts rules.

Wrestling Rules


Rules for regular wrestling matches consist of the following options:

  • Time Limit – Set the time limit for the match.
  • Outside – 'On' enables outside count. 'Off' disables outside count.
    'Lumberjack' forces wrestlers to re-enter the ring when knocked outside.
    'Anywhere' allows for pins and submissions to count on the outside.
  • Pinfall – Enable or disable pinfall victories.
  • Submission – Enable or disable submission victories.
  • TKO – Enable or disable winning via TKO.
  • Rope Break – When turned on, pins and submissions will be broken up if the wrestler gets to the ropes.
  • Quick Match – Matches can end really fast if this is enabled.
  • Blood – Enable or disable blood. The 'Referee Stop' option is more like a 'Second Blood' match, not to be confused with 'First Blood' in other AKI gamees.
  • Time-Out Judgment – Determine if a winner can be picked as time runs out. Judging criteria are 1) remaining physical power and 2) number of hits landed.
  • Interference – Determine if people will interfere in the match. Has no effect if both wrestlers have seconds/managers.
  • Change Title on Ring Out – Only appears when a title belt is wagered. If turned on, the title can change hands via count-out.

Martial Arts Rules

The ruleset for Martial Arts matches is as follows:

  • Time Limit – Set the time limit for the match. If Rounds are enabled, this is the length of each round instead.
  • Rounds – Set how many rounds the match will take.
  • Points – Define the number of starting points.
  • Rope Escape – Determine how many points will be deducted when escaping submission holds.
  • Down – Determine how many points will be deducted if the fighter is knocked down.
  • Suplex – Determine how many points will be deducted if the fighter gets suplexed/thrown.
  • Submission – Enable or disable submission victories.
  • Quick Match – Same as the Wrestling Rules version above.
  • Blood – Same as the Wrestling Rules version above.
  • Gong Save – If enabled, Down counts can be stopped by the round ending. (Might also be known as the 'Saved by the Bell' rule.)
  • Time-Out Judgment – Determine if a winner can be picked as time expires.
    For points-based systems, the winner is the fighter with the most points.
    Without the scoring system, or in case of a tie, the judging criteria are 1) remaining physical power and 2) number of hits landed.

Tag Match

A match between two teams of two wrestlers.

Powerslam Mac Os X

Tag Match Rules

The rules of a Tag Match are similar to Wrestling rules in Singles Matches.The major difference is the 'Tag Cut Time' option, which determines how longwrestlers are able to stay in the ring after coming in. This can also be setto 'No Touch' for a Tornado Tag Match.

3 Way Match

A match with three wrestlers fighting each other. The first person to wina fall wins the match.

3 Way Match Rules

The rules for 3 Way Matches are essentially the same as a Single Matchheld under Wrestling rules.

Battle Royal

There are two types of Battle Royal matches: Random and Team Battle. Random is easy toset up; just pick the number of wrestlers, the first four participants, set the rules,and you're ready to go.

Team Battle, on the other hand, begins with setting the number of members oneach team.

Notice: Please do not give this screen psychopathic input.

Battle Royal Rules

For the most part, the Battle Royal rules consist of common options.Only the major differences from other modes will be explained.

  • Time Limit – Forced to 'No Limit'.
  • Outside – 'Loss' means a wrestler is eliminated when theyare removed from the ring. 'Anywhere' and 'Off' act as they do in other matches.


Two teams of up to five wrestlers each fight until one side defeats the other.Probably better known in non-Japanese regions as the 'WCW vs. nWo' mode ofWCW vs. nWo World Tour, but without the roster limitations.

Elimination Setup

After selecting the number of wrestlers per team, and the wrestlers on each team,you are given the option to re-arrange the team's orders. Lower numbers will wrestlefirst, compared to higher numbers. Select a slot using the D-Pad, then press the A buttonto begin swapping. Choose the destination slot in the same way, and press the A buttonto swap. Once you are finished, choose 'Accept'.


In the original version of Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2, this mode was called '王道継承',which roughly translates to 'Royal Road Succession'. Other (earlier) names forthe mode include 'All Japan Mode' (based on an unused texture leftover in the ROM)and 'Champion Road' (from Asmik's website, circa 2000). That mode had you runthrough a year of All Japan Pro-Wrestling's schedule, with all the fun that goesalong with it. It was used as the primary way to unlock items (mainly wrestlers),but in a hack where everything is unlocked by default, it lacks purpose.

There are no confirmed plans for the Challenge mode at this time.


League mode allows you to hold a round robin league with 3 to 16 wrestlers (or tag teams).

Points are given based on the result of the match:

  • Win (○) – 2 points
  • Draw (△) – 1 point
  • Loss (×) – 0 points

League Setup

First, select the number of wrestlers (or teams) participating in the league.After picking the wrestlers, you are given the option to re-order the participants,as well as toggle the control between human and computer.


Tournament mode allows you to hold a single-elimination tournament with 3 to 16wrestlers (or tag teams).

Tournament Setup

Setting up a tournament involves picking the number of participants, then selectingthem. Once all wrestlers have been selected, you are given the option to re-order thebrackets, as well as set player or computer control.


The Event portion of the game lets you run a card of matches, to either watchor play. It's known as 'Pay Per View' in the WWF AKI games, as well as S.K. Stylez'sVPW2 English translation. In the unhacked version of VPW2, this mode played a smallrole in unlocking items. It's left in VPW2 freem Edition for fun, and because I don'tsee a good reason to remove it.


When creating a new event, the setup screen will appear. You can set the event'sname, date, start time, and the arena where it will be held.

2019/01/28 Note: Translating the Event Time portion is a pain, since the itemdefinitions also include a variable spacing amount.
In the meantime, pleaseread '時' as 'Hour' and '分' as 'Minute'.

Booking Matches

Once the setup has completed, you are able to set up all the matches that willappear on the card.

Note: Any Battle Royal will be fixed to 40 wrestlers in random order.

2019/01/28 Note: The blank item is meant to have text that reads 'New Program'.However, both S.K. Stylez and myself have run into an issue where it isn't displayed.

Running the Event

After finalizing the card, you are able to run through the event. A small introductionwill play, followed by the event card screen.

You can either watch or play the match, or if you don't want to do either of those,you can let the computer simulate the result via the 'Skip Match' button.


Ranking mode tracks win/loss statistics for up to 16 profiles, and ranks allparticipants accordingly. (On a personal note, I've never really used this mode,nor do I know about people who use it. Please let me know if you actually useRanking mode and want to see it stay in the hack.)

Edit Mode

Edit Mode was introduced by Human Entertainment in Fire Pro Wrestling 3:Legend Bout on the PC Engine. Pro wrestling games would never be the same again.The Edit Mode is further explained in its own chapter.


Various options can be changed in this menu.


The difficulties available are: Beginner, Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert.

Spirit Meter

Toggle the display of the Spirit Meter (as well as the Combo Meter).


Toggle the display of an animated referee. The referee only appears in Singles matches.

OffN/ADisable referee display.
Wada KyoheiAll Japan Pro-Wrestling's main referee.
Dandy KBowtie man. Will be replaced by Tiger Hattori in a future version.
(Fun fact: Sprites are based off Earl Hebner's from
WrestleMania 2000, or possibly the other way around.)
Johnny HCounts slower than the other referees.

Quick Replay

Toggle the use of a three-angle replay for powerful moves. I recommend turningthis off, but I'm not going to force you to.

Match Color

A unique option only found in VPW64 and VPW2. You can turn the match intoa monochrome broadcast. However, the Spirit and Combo Meters still retain their color.

Sound Options

Sound-related options live in this sub-menu.

  • Sound Output – Choose between Stereo and Monaural output.
  • Match BGM – Select from one of six tracks, use a random selection, or disable the match music.
  • BGM Volume – Choose how loud the match BGM volume will be.

Controller Setup

This section allows you to change the game controls. Navigate to the controlyou want to change, and press the desired button. If you want to reset any changes,choose 'Default'.

The only controls that cannot be remapped are the D-Pad, the Control Stick,and the Z and Start buttons.

Data Menu

The Data Menu contains functionality related to wrestlers and belts. If you'relooking to use the Controller Pak for something, this is the place to go.


In this section, you can view, move, and delete any created title belts.

Wrestler Data

The Wrestler Data section allows you to view Edit Wrestler data on both thecartridge and the Controller Pak. Wrestlers can be moved or copied between theController Pak and cartridge.

Wrestler Records

The game keeps track of win/loss/draw records, which can be viewed in this section.The list can be sorted by Group, number of Matches, number of Wins, and Win Percentage.

Exhibition Matches

The game also keeps track of the results of the last 25 matches played in Exhibitionmode for Singles, Tag, and 3 Way matches.

Mic Appeal

Unique to Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 is the ability to say things before and aftera match. In this menu, you can modify each phrase. Each phrase is split into two parts.The left side is the first line displayed, while the right side is the second line.

You can set which lines are used by each wrestler in the Profile portion of Edit Mode.Then, by holding one of the C buttons at the end of your character's (or team's)introduction, or after the match is over, your character will say their lines.

Playing the Game

This section assumes that you are using the default controls.

VPW2 for Revenge/WM2K/No Mercy Veterans

Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 plays similar to the other AKI wrestling games.If you have experience with WCW vs. nWo - World Tour, WCW/nWo Revenge, WWF WrestleMania2000, or WWF No Mercy, then playing VPW2 (freem Edition or not) will be easy.

Important differences include the following:

  • Running Grapples. VPW2 was the first game in the series to includerunning grapples. However, unlike No Mercy, running corner grapples don't exist.There is a text string in VPW2 referencing running corner grapples, so it appears tohave been planned...
  • Combo System. While it was absent from the WWF games, WCW/nWo Revengeand Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 included a combo system for certain characters. Thissystem exists in VPW2 as well. Perform a strong grapple and press B to start thecombo sequence.
  • Shootfighting. Unique to VPW2 is the shootfighter type, whichchanges how grapples work. The short/weak grapple contains strong moves,while a strong/long grapple performs a takedown. When a takedown is successful, orif the fighter has 'Mount' for Mount Type, you are able to use variousstrikes and a single grapple (armbar when opponent is face up, rear naked choke when opponent is face down).
  • Second Level Special (known as 'Maximum' in this hack). Once permatch, you can taunt while having Special to get the second level Special. You must letthe taunt finish on its own; you can't cancel the animation and get the second levelSpecial.

VPW2 for Everyone Else

If you don't have experience with a previous AKI Corporation wrestling game,the above section may look a little daunting. The good news is that the core gameplayis simple. The following section is not a complete overview of the game, but should beenough to get you started.


Move your character around with the D-Pad. The C-Down button makes your characterrun. During a run, you can press the R button to evade (roll or cartwheel), or the Lbutton to go around the other wrestler. Press the C-Up button while holding towards thering to enter/exit.


By default, the B button is used to throw strikes, such as kicks and punches.The B button can be tapped (Weak Strike) or held (Strong Strike) to produce differentstrikes. You can hold a direction on the D-Pad for another strike variation. There isalso a strike done by holding down the A and B buttons for a few seconds.


There are two main types of grapples. The Weak Grapple is performed by tapping theA button. The Strong Grapple is performed by holding the A button down for a second or two.Once the grapple connects, you can press the A or B button, along with holding a direction,to perform a move. To throw a wrestler, hold the D-Pad in the direction you want them to go,then press the C-Down button. Not all wrestlers can be thrown, however. When in a frontgrapple, pressing the L button will transition into a back grapple. If you wish to breaka grapple without doing a move, press the R button.

Ground Moves

Various strikes can be done with the B button, including running strikes. Submissionsand other holds are performed with the A button, depending on how the opponent is facing,as well as if they're fully down or half down (sitting/on knees).


Hold the D-Pad direction of the corner you'd like to climb, then press and hold theC-Down button to either run towards it or climb it (depending on how close you are).Upon reaching the top rope, you have a few choices. To perform a move, let go of anyand all buttons. To stay on the top for a little bit, hold the A button. You are alsoable to taunt if you move the Control Stick (maximum of two taunts). Pressing theR button will cause you to dismount from the top rope without performing a move.

Other flying move situations include planchas (hold direction to outside and pressthe A button), running dives (hold A when running in the ring while the opponent is outside),apron dives (same controls as the plancha, but while on the ring apron), and runningapron dives (get on the apron, press C-Down, then press the A button).

Blocking and Reversals

To Block, hold the R button. Reversing strikes involves pressing the R button atthe right time. You can dodge backwards with the L button; pressing it at the right timeduring an opponent's grapple attempt can cause you to block it. Grapple attempts can alsobe reversed with a well timed press of the A button.

Combo/'Fighting' Style

If a wrestler has 'Fighting' listed on their profile, the Strong Grapple B buttonmoves are replaced with a Combo system. Five strikes are available in a combo, andall are accessed with the combination of the B button and a direction on the D-Pad.You can also end the combo early by using a Grapple move.

Shootfighting Style

If a wrestler has 'Shooting' listed on their profile, then the Weak Grapple B buttonmoves are replaced with the Combo system. On top of that, Strong Grapples producetakedowns, which act similar to the Combo system.

Arenas and Title Belts

This section covers the five available arenas to fight in, as well as the beltdesigns you can choose from when creating a custom title.


Nippon Budokan

The Budokan has largely stayed the same as the original game. The major differenceis that the ring mat and skirt emulate the mid-1990s All Japan-Pro Wrestling two-tonelook. Future versions of the hack may provide a better two-tone effect.

USA Dome

The USA Dome is a somewhat-changed version of the original rampless TKO Dome arena.More changes are likely to happen in the future, possibly importing some assets fromWrestleMania 2000 or No Mercy.

AKI Hall

AKI Hall is based off of Korakuen Hall. The ring mat and skirt design is adaptedfrom the AKI ring in one of the Ultimate Muscle games.

One preview screenshot of VPW2 shows a banner hung in the balcony that is notused in the final version of the game, but remained in the ROM:

The banner reads 'EWAプロレス!', or 'EWA Pro Wrestling!' in English.
(EWA, full name'Empire Wrestling Association', was the name of the AJPW-like faction in Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64.)
A similar (yet different) banner has been added in the 2019/02/22 version.

Kawasaki Stadium

Kawasaki Stadium, in the context of VPW2, is most famous for being previewed witha daytime setting:

In the final version of the game, Kawasaki is set at night. Originally, I hadplanned to recreate the daytime version, but realized that AKI probably changedit for a decent reason... (I'm assuming it has to do with the Battle Royal entrances.)Kawasaki is still set at night in this hack, but the ring mat and skirt havebeen replaced with a FMW-inspired design.
(Probably a little too close for Legal to approve, though...)

Dome Road

'Dome Road' is the Tokyo Dome with a ramp leading to the ring. As this design wasmeant to emulate mid-to-late 1990s New Japan Pro-Wrestling, the ring mat and skirttextures have been changed to match. (Yes, the 'V.P.W.' logo is upside-down fromhow it's meant to be.)

Pictured below is the original render of the Tokyo Dome with ramp from AKI's website.If you look closely, you'll notice the All Japan Pro Wrestling logo was already in place.Also shown are red and blue floor textures, which go unused in the final game, but remainin the ROM.

Title Belts

When creating a custom title, there are many belt designs you can choose from.

Currently, all belts have a mirrored texture. In the future, belts may becomeunmirrored (and redesigned to take advantage of this).

PWF Heavyweight Championshiporiginal VPW2 belt
NWA International Heavyweight Championshiporiginal VPW2 belt
NWA United National Championshiporiginal VPW2 belt
All-Asia Tag Team Championshiporiginal VPW2 belt
Chainplatedesigned by freem
IWGP Junior Heavyweightoriginal VPW2 belt
Ringdesigned by freem
IWGP Heavyweight Tagoriginal VPW2 belt
Sport Accoladeadapted/designed by freem
Octaglobedesigned by freem
King of Pancraseoriginal VPW2 belt
Old NWA International Heavyweight Championshiporiginal VPW2 belt
UFC Ultimate Ultimateoriginal VPW2 belt
NWA Heavyweight Championship
'Domed Globe' design
original VPW2 belt
WCW 'Big Gold Belt'ported/adapted from WCW/nWo Revenge
nWo 'Big Gold Belt'ported/adapted from WCW/nWo Revenge
WWF Winged Eagleconverted/adapted by freem
NEVER Openweight Championshipconverted/adapted by freem
Universe/Saturndesigned by freem
PborgcrateZadapted/designed by freem
Diplomats/Unofficial VRTLPROS Championshipadapted/designed by freem
Triple Crownoriginal VPW2 belt
Double Tagoriginal VPW2 belt

Edit Mode

Everyone loves Edit Mode, the place where you can change details of the in-gamewrestlers, or come up with new wrestlers. Selecting a wrestler brings up the following menu:

While on the main wrestler edit menu, you can use the C-Left and C-Right buttons to switch theactive costume. This also works with the top L and R buttons.


The Profile section allows you to define a wrestler's basic data.

  • Long Name – The wrestler's name, or as much of it as you can fit.
  • Short Name – Short version of the wrestler name. 7 characters maximum.
  • Height – Set the wrestler's height (in centimeters).
  • Weight – Set the wrestler's weight (in kilograms).
  • Voice A – Select the voice sample typically used for attacks.
  • Voice B – Select the voice sample typically used for taunts.
  • Music – Select the wrestler's theme music.
  • Name Call – Select the name the ring announcer will use during introductions.

Mic Appeal

The Mic Appeal menu allows you to assign the phrases to the four C buttons.To assign a slot, select it with the D-Pad and press the desired C button.The phrases can be edited in the 'Mic Appeal' section of the Options menu.


In the main portion of the Costume menu, put the cursor on 'Head' and press leftor right on the D-Pad to switch your wrestler between masked and unmasked.


The Head (or Mask) section lets you change all the details that go intothe wrestler's head design.


The Costume section covers the main costume items, as well as the body type,entrance costume, and entrance weapon.


This section contains gloves, wristbands, elbow pads, knee pads, and boots/shoes.Elbow and knee pads can be copied from one side to the other with the C-Left button.


The wrestler's available moves can be changed here. The moves are split up intovarious categories, with an 'All Moves' option for showing the entire list.

Upon selecting a category, you will be shown the list of moves.

  • D-Pad Up/Down – Move cursor one space.
  • C-Up/C-Down – Page up/down.
  • A Button – Select slot, select move.
  • B Button – Cancel.
  • Start Button – Accept changes and go back.
  • C-Left Button – Preview selected move.
  • C-Right Button – Toggle move as favorite (not possible to manually set for all slots...)
  • L Button – Toggle KO
  • R Button – Toggle Blood
  • Z Button – During move previ, slows down animations when held.


The Parameters portion of Edit Mode lets you set various wrestler properties.

Left Column items:

  • Fighting Style – Set the wrestler's fighting style.
  • Weight Class – Set the wrestler's weight class. Setting this to Super Heavyweight will cause other wrestlers to have a harder time performing certain moves.
  • Reversal Style – Determine the reversal style used for most moves.
  • Mount Type – Determines what action is taken when pressing the Ducking button (L button by default) near a downed opponent.
    Pinfall goes for a pinfall, while Mount goes to a mounted position.
  • Ring Entry – Set the animation used when entering/exiting the ring.
  • Recovery Rate – Set how fast the wrestler's stamina recovers.
  • Bloody Spirit Recovery – Set the spirit recovery rate when bleeding.
  • Corner Climb – Determines how the wrestler climbs the corner: Normal (climbing) or Jump.
  • Weapon Use – Determine how often the wrestler tries to get weapons on the outside.

Right Column items:

  • Stance – Set the wrestler's idle stance. In this hack, 'Woman' stance is actually the old boxing stance from World Tour/VPW64.
  • Walk Speed – Set how fast the wrestler walks.
  • Hammer Throw – Determine if the wrestler can throw and be thrown.
  • Submission Skills – Set the skill level for applying and getting out of submission holds.
  • Leapfrog Style – Set the leapfrog style. (Press the L button when an opponent is running at you to perform, if not set to 'None'.)
  • Bleeding – Determine how easily the wrestler will bleed.
  • Downed Recovery – Set the recovery rate when downed.
  • Jumping Distance – Determine how far the wrestler can fly.
  • Preferred Weapon – Set the wrestler's favorite weapon.

Offensive and Defensive Parameters

The 'Offense' and 'Defense' buttons on the Parameters menu open up separate menusthat let you assign the offensive and defensive values for various move types. Thefive categories are Head, Body, Arms, Legs, and Flying.

Unlike the original VPW2, you are given 25 points to spend, meaning you can makea character with all 5s.


The Rivals/Second portion of the Parameters menu allows you to choose yourmanager/second/valet, along with up to three rivals.

The rivals only appear when Interference is enabled in the options. If bothwrestlers have a second/manager, the rivals will not appear. Rival 1 shows upmost of the time, Rival 2 shows up about half of the time, and Rival 3 shows upabout one fourth of the time. If any option is set to 'None', the computer willrandomly pick a wrestler to interfere.

The manager/second always uses the fourth costume.


The Logic section controls the computer's playing style when using a specificwrestler. It has only ever made an official appearance in Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2,but it is accessible in WrestleMania 2000 via a GameShark code.

Main Style (MISSING)

In WrestleMania 2000, an extra option was available at the top of the menu,which allowed you to choose the wrestler's general style. The presence of helptext for this option in Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 means AKI considered lettingplayers change it at one time. However, the option is absent from the final version...

I would love to bring this back in a future version of the hack, but I havenot looked into the details yet.

Strategy Versus Standing Opponent

This section determines how the computer will attack when their opponent is standing.This can be set for both Early and Late match.

  • Striking – Perform striking moves.
  • Grappling – Perform grappling moves.
  • Flying – Perform flying moves.

Strategy Versus Downed Opponent

This section determines how the computer will attack when their opponent is downed.This can be set for both Early and Late match.

  • Striking – Perform ground strikes.
  • Submission – Perform ground submissions.
  • Flying – Perform flying moves.
  • Pick Up – Pick the opponent up. Logic continues from 'Strategy Versus Standing Opponent' section.

Finishing Move

The Finishing Move is the primary move the wrestler uses to win matches.

Attack Strategy

The Attack Strategy determines the balance between striking and grappling.

  • Mainly Striking – Primarily strikes, rarely grapples.
  • Striking – Prefers strikes, grapples less than Balanced.
  • Balanced – Balanced between strikes and grapples.
  • Grapples – Prefers grapples, strikes less than Balanced.
  • Mainly Grapples – Primarily grapples, rarely strikes.

Offensive Balance

Offensive Balance controls the balance between attacking and defending.

  • Mainly Attack – Primarily attacks the opponent.
  • Attack – More likely to attack than Balanced.
  • Balanced – Attacks and defends equally.
  • Defend – More likely to defend than Balanced.
  • Mainly Defend – Primarily defends themself.

Strike Reaction

Strike Reaction determines how well the wrestler will react to an opponent's strike.This manifests itself in the frequency of strike reversals. 'Fast', 'Normal', and 'Slow'are the available options.

Grapple Reaction

Grapple Reaction determines how well the wrestler will react to an opponent's grappleattempts. This manifests itself in the frequency of grapple reversals. 'Fast', 'Normal',and 'Slow' are the available options.

Outside Strategy

The Outside Strategy option controls how the wrestler deals with opponents outside of the ring.

  • Calm – Prefers to get back into the ring quickly.
  • Normal – 'Typical' outside behavior (might hang around for a short while, then get back in).
  • Aggressive – Likes fighting on the outside, but not as much as Maniacal.
  • Maniacal – Prefers to fight on the outside, throws people out of the ring, uses weapons often.
  • Flying – Prefers using flying moves (e.g. planchas, dives).


Controls how often your wrestler taunts. The three available choices are 'Often','Normal', and 'None'. If 'None' is selected, the wrestler will not taunt when controlledby the computer, except to activate Special.

Clone from Fighter

This option lets you clone data from one of the fighters in the game.

Upon selecting the option, you will be presented with the game's roster.Select a wrestler to copy data from using the A button, or press the B button to cancel.

After selecting a wrestler, you are able to pick and choose specific portions ofthe wrestler data to copy. This includes the Profile, Mask/Costume, Moves, Parameters,and Logic data. Choose 'Accept' to make the changes.

Reset to Default

If you want to revert a wrestler back to the factory default data, you can usethis option. Each of the five categories (Profile, Mask/Costume, Moves, Parameters, and Logic)can be toggled, except for non-edit wrestlers (who can only have the Profile and Mask/Costume reset).

When the hack is updated, you will need to use this option to get the updated costumes.

Save Data

Back in 2000, when Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 was released, your options were limitedin terms of sharing save data with others. Typically, you'd just go over to your friend'shouse with a Controller Pak. There were options for dumping save data to PC, includingthe DexDrive, but these devices may be hard to come by nowadays. (Not to mention thedevice drivers coming on a 3.5' floppy disk and the device's 9-pin serial connector...)

In the 21st century, it's simpler to just dump data from an emulator or flash cart and upload itto the Internet. However, some care has to be taken when transferring data betweenemulators and the real console.

Controller Pak

Controller Pak saves allow you to transfer up to 16 Edit Wrestlers and 8 Belts.The Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 save takes 29 pages on the Controller Pak. Currently,VPW2 freem Edition uses the same data as regular VPW2, so you can transfer yourexisting characters and belts.


The 64drive is capable of backing up the Controller Pak contents through themain menu. Please consult the 64drive manual for more information on using thisfeature.

I am unsure of what support the Everdrive64 has for dealing with Controller Paksaves, as I only own a 64drive.


Emulators tend to store Controller Pak data in .mpk files.Please consult your emulator's documentation for more information.

Game Save

The game save data itself (which includes changes made to the default wrestlers,as well as match records and other saved items) can also be shared with others.


Flashcarts, such as the 64drive and Everdrive64, give the save file the same basename as the ROM it belongs to. If your VPW2 freem Edition ROM is named vpw2freem.z64,for example, the save will be named vpw2freem.sra.


Some emulators use the ROM's internal name (in our case, 'VPW2 freem')for the save file. Other emulators may use the ROM's filename, internal game code ('NVFE'),or you may even have to declare the save file name when loading the emulator. Thefile extension may differ between emulators; I've seen .sra and.srm so far.

When converting save files from emulators to flashcarts (64drive, Everdrive64)and vice versa, you will need to byteswap the save data (using the same instructionsgiven in the Patching section, but selecting the save fileinstead). Some emulators may not require this; full details are not yet known.


Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 (even without hacks) has a few bugs that you should beaware of when playing. These may or may not be fixed in future versions of this hack.

Battle Royal Shootfighter Elimination Bug

There is a somewhat major bug in Battle Royal matches related to a Shootfighter'sability to win a match/eliminate a wrestler via repeated ground pounding. When youeliminate a wrestler via this method, the elimination counts twice.

This can cause various unintended and unwanted behavior, including the computersending out a default-looking character that has already been 'eliminated'.If this happens, you have no choice but to restart or quit the match, as thiswrestler can not be eliminated.

WldFb successfully fixed this via a GameShark code:

D110C76C 3442
8110C76E 0000

This bugfix has been applied for 2019/02/22 and later versions.

A patch for the original VPW2 ROM that fixes this issue will be made availablein the future for those who do not want the other changes made in VPW2 freem Edition.

White Screen Freeze when Controlling the Manager

If you end a 1 on 1 match with a player controlling a manager, the game will freezeon a white screen. Only VPW2 has this problem. Doing the same thing in Revenge, WM2K,or No Mercy won't crash the game.

The cause of this problem has not been found, and therefore, no fix is currently known.

Battle Royal Team Setup Glitch

This bug exists in WrestleMania 2000, VPW2, and WWF No Mercy. Select a TeamBattle Royal/Royal Rumble, and continue to the screen where you allocate thenumber of wrestlers per team. This glitch seems easiest to perform with fourcontrollers, but may be possible with less. Hold left on the D-Pad of each controller,then hold right once you reach 1 wrestler. If done correctly, you will be ableto add wrestlers past the usual limit. After the limit is passed in-match, the gamewill freeze, since it is trying to introduce a wrestler that hasn't been loaded?

As this glitch exists in multiple games, I have no plans on fixing it at the moment.

Non-Serious Bugs

These bugs are not related to gameplay, and as a result, are less serious.They are included for informational purposes.

'???' Height/Weight does not show on Wrestler Selection

Hilariously enough, I only noticed this in 2018... Instead of showing '???' fora height or weight, the wrestler selection menu will show the maximum value plus anamount equivalent to the '???' value (for weight, this is 301kg; height starts at 251(first '???') and goes up to 253 (last '???')).

Nagata Lock Typos in Results Screen

Due to a simple typo, the move names for the Nagata Lock and Nagata Lock IIshow up as '&207ローク' and '&207ロークⅡ' if used to win a match. This has been fixedin VPW2 freem Edition, at the cost of the roman numeral 2... That particular errorcomes from VPW Studio not knowing how to handle the 'Ⅱ' character.

Inconsistent Color Selection Wrapping Behavior

If you have a color modifier on and you move past color 0 to the left, it willreset. passing 31 to the right will keep it. This doesn't happen in WrestleMania 2000(cursor can't wrap) or No Mercy (wrapping works perfectly).

Edit Mode: Turnbuckle Stolen Special changes when changing Turnbuckle Strong Grapple B

This is another recent (December 2018) discovery... When you change the move in theTurnbuckle Strong Grapple B slot, the Turnbuckle Stolen Special slot changes. This ismost likely unintended, especially since the move index is not corrected for the additionalmoves in the Turnbuckle Special/Stolen Special slots.

Known Issues

Unlike the 'Errata' section, this section covers known issues with the freem Editionhack only.

'New Program' text missing in Event mode

Not sure why this happens. Also occurs in the S.K. Stylez VPW2 English translation.

Texture mapping is inaccurate on some costume items

Most visibly manifests itself with the old Yuji Nagata trunks from Revenge, but canalso be seen with other imported textures. This is due to changes made to modelsbetween WCW/nWo Revenge and Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2. If the models in question werechanged to make the Revenge textures look correct, all of the native VPW2 textures wouldchange as well, messing them up... The perils of porting.

Tattoos don't work on certain items

The Kurt Angle singlet still has issues with tattoos on the stomach area. The issueis related to how VPW2 expects transparency to work for singlets and tanktops.The Bret Hart tanktop used to exhibit the same issue, but it (along with the chestportion of Kurt Angle's singlet) was fixed in the 2020/08/06 release.

Facial hair palettes

Due to how the game handles facial hair palettes, a number of wrestlers are notable to have their proper facial hair. This includes Hulk Hogan and Scott Steiner.

Facepaint and face accessory palettes

Another set of face-related palette issues happens with the facepaint and accessorylayers. This is the reason that Dr. Frank's facepaint was changed to white/gray,along with Rick Steiner's headgear being a different color.

Women's run stance is still in game

Despite changing the animation data for the Women's stance, the game special casesa running animation (among various others). This has not yet been worked around.

Missing moves

There's no Angle/Olympic Slam or Tazmission yet (as well as other moves that haven'tbeen in an AKI wrestling game before). Porting and creating moves has been low on mypriority list, as it's not as 'easy' as the Gameshark way of doing things.

Missing polygon/model hacks

Again, this is one of the things that ended up being low priority when it came tomaking a preview release. For example, L.A. Park needs custom mask models. Part ofthe problem with this is creating different versions of the models for the differentpossible head and body types.

Missing Voice Edits

Really, it's just the one (Macho Man). I haven't decided which voice is going toget replaced yet, nor does VPW Studio support changing the audio yet. (Yes, othertools can be used, but I'd like VPW Studio to support it eventually.)

Questions and Answers

Only a few questions have come in during development so far, so I can't reallycall them 'Frequently Asked Questions'.

Questions regarding specific characters and the overall character selectionprocess can be found in the Character Guide. The two character-related questionsin this section are general enough to be in the main manual.

Can you send me a patched or unpatched ROM?

This question was in the original FAQ, but removed before release.Clearly that was the wrong move.

No, I will not send you a patched ROM or unpatched base ROM.

Why Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2? Why not WWF No Mercy?

This largely boils down to personal preference, plus Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2contains features that the other AKI wrestling games don't. Specifically,I appreciate the depth of having three fighting styles (Wrestling, Martial Arts/'Fighting',and Shootfighting). I will concede that No Mercy's weapon system is the best,the 'Losing It' state is interesting, and that the ground Special move slots area good addition.

Where are the women at?

The only known way to get women into Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 is to import theirmodel wholesale. Since I prefer a solution that lets you properly edit the womencharacters, a la No Mercy, this was not a good compromise.

Where's Joe Bruiser/Eric Bischoff (WCW/nWo Revenge version)/Andy Hug/(insert boxer or kickboxer here)?

VPW2 does not seem to contain code for the Boxing and/or Kickboxing styles,aside from a single unused string in Edit Mode. I'm of the opinion that the abilityto have Boxing and Kickboxing styles in the early N64 AKI games was a result of adifferent moveset data format. The later games seem more rigid in their setup bycomparison. Otherwise, you'd better believe a slot would be reserved for Joe Bruiser.

Why aren't there more theme songs?

Unlike WrestleMania 2000 and No Mercy, there are only a few themes in VPW2.Also unlike those two games, the theme songs in VPW2 use a higher sampling rate.In order to fit more songs in, I would have to 1) Lower the sampling rate of theexisting songs and 2) Figure out where the song list is stored, make the edits, etc.

Small note: theme songs allow for varying wait times in the locker room.Let Giant Baba's theme play out during his entrance to see.

Why isn't Yoshinari Ogawa's theme song replaced with someone else's?

Some of this is explained in the answer to the previous question, but there'sslightly more to it than that. A number of wrestlers should have their theme inthe game, but with only one slot open, picking it is tough. As mentioned above, thewaiting time is theme-dependent, and I haven't exactly figured out where those valuesare.

Some wrestler theme songs are very dependent on waiting times (e.g. Minoru Suzuki'Kaze Ni Nare', Katsuyori Shibata 'Takeover') and I'm too much of a perfectionistto just wing it, even for a preview release. (Yes, even with all of the cornersI've cut to get these preview releases out on time.)

This was planned to be fixed in the 2020/08/06 release, but I ran into issues.I am putting this off indefinitely (aside from thinking it'll be done 'before 99%').

What are you going to do with Challenge Mode?

I'm not sure yet. At the bare minimum, it'll be an edit of the existingRoyal Road Succession data.

What will be done with Ranking Mode?

I'm not sure about this either; I don't even know of anyone who uses this mode.In an ideal world, I would reclaim the space used by Ranking mode for storingmore Edit Wrestlers. However, it's easier said than done.

Even if I do remove Ranking Mode, I'll have to edit the main menu to not includeit, unless it's replaced with something else.

Will anything be done about the Records feature?

A long while ago, I was asked if I could remove the Records feature (presumablyso the space it takes up could be used for more Edit Wrestlers)... I have no ideahow to go about doing this, either.

Can you add other wrestlers?

No, all 98 default wrestler slots are taken. Adding other wrestlers would requirere-pointing the ROM, and I really don't want to do that without a full disassembly ofthe game.

Are there going to be other stages added?

Unfortunately, it's not that simple to import a stage into VPW2, since there are sofew slots. Here are the known 'stage' items in VPW2:

  • Locker Room – Used in every arena but Dome Road.
  • Dome Road Entrance Ramp – Used in Dome Road arena.
  • Locker Room with Fire – Only used in introduction sequence.
  • Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 Ramp – Only used in introduction and credits sequences.

So on top of there not being enough stages in the first place, you only get twochoices when it comes to 'real' stages. It's not happening without a lot of work,and that's work I don't care to do at the moment.

If actual arenas were implied instead, you only get five slots there, andmuch like changing the stages, a lot of work is required to add new arenas.

Are you ever going to hack No Mercy?

Highly unlikely. If I do, I'm not going to tackle a project ofVPW2 freem Edition's size.

The amount of work that would have to be done in order for No Mercy to beenjoyable for me is too much, which includes (but is not limited to):

  • Having to reinstate the combo and shootfighting systems
  • Re-adding VPW2's mask support
  • Re-adding MMA rules
  • Removing the non-Edit Mode portions of the Smackdown Mall
  • Removing the Story Mode so I can insert more wrestlers, costume items, etc.

And remember, I want to do all of this WITHOUT GameShark codes.

Can you make me a custom hack?/You should work on [hack idea X].

No. There are a lot of other projects I still need to complete (e.g. VPW Studio),and asking me to work on your pet project(s) is a bad idea.

To the person who inspired this question and answer: please stop telling me (andothers) to work on other projects based on ideas you have.

Powerslam Mac Os Update


Extended credits are available in credits.txt in the docs folder.

Project Lead





freem (VPW Studio)
S.K. Stylez (Animation Editor, Move Porter, etc.)
Zoinkity ('offsetter', 'Midwaydec', 'generic.py')

Technical Assistance

S.K. Stylez (VPW2 English translation, used as reference)
WldFb (Various value and address finding; a large help)

Various other hackers I can't remember at the moment (Essentially, most everyone in the AKI wrestling game hacking scene.)



Wrestler Data


Menu and UI Textures


New Face Textures


New Mask Textures


New Costume Textures


New Arena Textures


New Belt Textures


Match BGM Conversions


Test Players

B. Reed

Special Thanks

Han Zo Mon
Lord Mo
Phil Parent
S.K. Stylez
AKI Corporation YOU ARE #1

There were a several announcements at last weeks VMworld US Conference, but one of the most exciting piece of news in my opinion was from Alan Renouf, Product Manager for all things API/SDK/CLI at VMware. During Alan's What's New PowerCLI session, he announced that PowerCLI is finally coming to both Mac OS X as well as Linux! As you can imagine, the news was very well received from customers and partners. In fact, after I had tweeted the update here & here, I literally had folks pinging/IM'ing/DM'ing me non-stop about when they could get access 🙂

UPDATE (10/18/16) – PowerCLI Multi-Platform (MP) for Linux and Mac OS X has now been released as a VMware Fling. Please find the download here and provide any feedback in the comments section.

This exciting update was only possible with the help of our friends over at Microsoft who had recently open sourced both .NET Core & PowerShell. Once that news broke, Alan and the PowerCLI Engineering team have been working hard on porting over the existing PowerCLI code which uses the Windows .NET library over to the new .NET Core which is now open sourced. I have been very impressed at how fast the PowerCLI team have already made available many of the default cmdlets as well as the Get View cmdlet which exposes the entire functionality of the vSphere API.

Now, before you get too excited, this new version of PowerCLI is currently not available yet. As Alan mentioned in his session, we plan to release an early Tech Preview of PowerCLI for both Mac OS X and Linux as a VMware Fling shortly after VMworld. It is also very important to note that Microsoft PowerShell for Mac OS X & Linux which PowerCLI uses is just at an Alpha release milestone. There is still much work to do on both sides but I am really looking forward to enabling our customers with the choice of platform when it comes to consuming PowerCLI.

A few of us have been quite fortunate to have been involved in the early development of this new version of PowerCLI. In fact, we even built a simple Docker Container for PowerCLI which will allow you to easily access PowerCLI from any system that can run Docker. Here is a quick screenshot of spinning up a PowerCLI Docker Container which will also be part of the Fling release.

Lastly, we want customers to be able to quickly and securely set up a persistent PowerCLI environment in which they can use to manage and configure their VMware-based products that support PowerCLI. With that, we have also built a PowerShell package for Photon OS which is VMware's minimal Linux container host distribution. Not only is it free to download and use, but it literally takes a few seconds to install (tdnf -y install powershell) and even less time to boot up and import the PowerCLI module. This was literally done the week before VMworld by the Photon team and huge kudos for their support! As you can see, not only do we want to provide choice for our customers but also simplifying how you might consume PowerCLI whether its natively on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Docker Container or running on top of VMware Photon OS. I hope you are excited as I am and stay tuned for more details on the Fling release!

If you have any feedback or what you are most excited regarding this news, please leave a comment and I will make sure it makes it way back to our Product Manager.

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